
【BitSummit Exhibitor’s Release】The unsettling cosmic horror retro RPG 『WORLD OF HORROR』, will be terrorizing BitSummit with its dreadful tales !

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Junji Ito-Inspired Adventure WORLD OF HORROR Unnerves Players in 2019 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Steam

WROCLAW, Poland – Aug. 1, 2018 – WORLD OF HORROR, the unsettling cosmic horror retro RPG from Panstasz and Ysbryd Games, weaves its dreadful tale on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux in 2019. It will be available for hands-on demos at PAX West, taking place Aug. 31 – Sept. 3 in Seattle, Washington, in booth 6808.

The Old Gods are reawakening, clawing their way back into a world that’s spiraling into a mysterious madness. In a small, seaside town of Japan, the population’s sanity is dwindling and otherworldly, grotesque creatures terrorize those who call the place home. It’s the end of the world and the only solution is to confront the terror reigning over the apocalypse.

Navigate this hellish, roguelite reality through turn-based combat and unforgiving choices. Experiment with the events of a playthrough by building a deck of event cards to discover different outcomes for your battles against the darkness. Different decks may even unlock new mysteries or clues.

WORLD OF HORROR features branching stories with five playable characters to brave the chaos, each with their own story and a different perspective on the events that unfold. Unravel puzzles and mysteries through spells that sacrifice sanity. Uncover disturbing and shocking clues. Diligently search every nook and cranny, scouring for helpful items that may come in handy in another twisted encounter.

Experience the quiet horror of this love letter to the works of Junji Ito and H.P. Lovecraft. WORLD OF HORROR is free of typical jump scares, relying solely on its unnerving environments and amorphous terrors to create a gnawing sense of dread. Complimented by haunting chiptunes and a 1-bit art style with a variety of available palettes, WORLD OF HORROR presents a series of frightening and unsettling accounts that linger well after stepping away.

“I set out to create something that illustrates just how vulnerable one’s sanity can be,” said Pawel Kozminski, founder of Panstasz. “I want WORLD OF HORROR to haunt players in a way that creates an uncomfortable sense of apprehension, something that slowly builds uneasiness and anxiety through atmosphere and the uncanny.”

Cassandra Khaw, writer on games including Wasteland 3, Sunless Skies and She Remembered Caterpillars, as well as author of the critically acclaimed horror novel Hammers on Bone, will collaborate with Panstasz on the writing for WORLD OF HORROR.

WORLD OF HORROR will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux. It will support English and other languages to be announced at a later date.

For more information, please visit the WORLD OF HORROR website, visit the official Discord, or follow @YsbrydGames and @Panstasz on Twitter.


About Ysbryd Games

Publisher Ysbryd Games delivers games with stories that have the heart and soul to stay with players for a lifetime, underlined by captivating gameplay and striking aesthetics.

About Panstasz

Panstasz is a one-man studio based in Poland. Founder Pawel Kozminski is always creating, whether it be music, art or videogames. WORLD OF HORROR is his first game and has been a passion project two years in the making.

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