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- 【BitSummit出展者関連リリース】we are currently working in our upcoming game for the Nintendo Switch: Cosmos Defenders
【BitSummit出展者関連リリース】we are currently working in our upcoming game for the Nintendo Switch: Cosmos Defenders

Cosmos Defenders is a 2D fast-paced revolving shooter about a group of unconventional heroes using the power of nature to stop chaotic aliens from taking over the universe. Cooperate with other guardians, protect the galaxy from the wicked, restore peace and make it prevail… or not?
「Cosmos Defenders」は、宇宙が舞台の2Dシューティングゲーム! 惑星をぐるぐる回りながら、攻撃してくるエイリアンを火・風・地・水の力で倒して守り抜く。 仲間の守り人と協力して、銀河を邪悪な敵から守り、宇宙の平和を守れるのか?
- ・Multiplayer strategic cooperation, involved in a chaotic fast-paced universe
カオスの中をかけ回る、戦略的マルチプレイ - ・4 different galaxies with 3 planets to explore and enjoy in story mode
4つの銀河を冒険するストーリーモード - ・Powerups, special abilities that will help you protect the universe
アビリティ獲得による攻撃力アップのチャンス! - ・Different bosses in each galaxy to challenge your skills
それぞれの銀河には多様なミニボスと最強のラスボスを配置 - ・Unique challenges every time you play with your friends in free battle/cooperation mode
対戦モード/協力モードを選び、ユニークな課題に挑む! - ・Secret galaxies and planets with special prizes and rewards
Developer | Fiery Squirrel Based in Tokyo, Japan |
Release date | To be announced |
Platforms | Nintendo Switch |
Website | cosmosdefenders.com |
Languages | English,日本語 |
Regular Price | To Be Determined |

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